Pünkösty András and Bernát Török at the Utrecht University’s conference workshop

The conference titled “Regulation of innovation” at the Utrecht University was aiming to discuss the regulatory and legal challenges in the FinTech sector with particular regard to the legal uncertainty deriving from the extreme velocity of technological development. Besides the fruitful academically discussion, the conference members were visiting some innovative market players in Amsterdam and Utrecht, and among others, the conference members had a discussion with the partners of one of the most respected Dutch law firm Loyens & Loeff. Bernát

Török gave his presentation with the title “Algorithms and the rule of law” while András Pünkösty spoke on “Big data and algorithmic decision making from a competition policy perspective” on the conference of the prestigious Utrecht University.

Program of the workshop: 

Regulation of Innovation

Kannunikenzaal,  Academiegebouw, Utrecht University

09.00-14.00; 26/04/2019; Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht


09.00 – 09.10 Session opening by prof. Dr. Erik Stam – Head of USE

09.10 – 09.30 Dr. Rients Galema (USE)  
The risks of vagueness in crowdfunding structures

09.30 – 09.55 Dr. Bernat Torok (Institute of Information Society, NUPS, Budapest)
Algorithms and the rule of law

09.55 – 10.10 Dr. Andras Punkosty (Institute of Information Society, NUPS, Budapest)
Big Data and algorithmic decision-making from a competition policy perspective

10.10 – 10.25 Dr. Miguel Trindade-Rocha (Observatory of Compliance and Regulation, Portugal)
New Compliance tools: balance of responsibilities

10.25 – 10.55 Discussion moderated by dr. Hanna Deleanu (USE)

10.55 – 11.10 Coffee break

11.10 – 11.35 Dr. Lu Zhang (The CPB -Netherlands Bureau for Economic Analysis)
Cryptocurrencies and the unadressed risks

11.35 – 12.00 Robert de Groot (Internet of Coins)
Challenges for the innovative ecosystem

12.00 – 12.25 Liya Belensk, Nikola Péliová Benjamin Libbrecht & Benjamin Libbrecht (Bitpay, Netherlands)
Crypto-compliance – challenges in practice 

12.25 – 12.55 Discussion moderated by dr. Hanna Deleanu (USE)

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch