Data protection through competition law enforcement?

The Informational Society Institute and the Competition Law Research Centre organised a joint conference workshop at Pázmány Péter Catholic University on the theoretical and practical connection and the recent developments between data protection and competition law.

Bernát Török, the head of the Informational Society Institute, introduced the workshop,  and the following discussion was moderated by Pál Szilágyi, the director of the Competition Law Research Centre. Bernát Török emphasised that the authorities, the market players and the researchers can give together and adequate answer to the challenges created by the development of the info-communication technologies. Similarly, the presentation of the workshop covered the different angels of professional life.

András Pünkösty was speaking on the Bundeskartellamt’s Facebook decision from an academic point of view. Keömley-Horváth Boglárka from the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) was sharing the GVH’s experience on data processing techniques of the market players from consumer law protection and provided a case study on the GVH’s Google case that resulted with commitment decisions. Anikó Kapi attorney of law analysed the Facebook data collection and processing technic from the perspective of the compliance of the GDPR requirements, while Anna Sütő marketing expert was presenting the possibilities provided by Facebook for targeted online advertising techniques from the perspective of the advertisers.