Organiser: UPS Institute of the Information Society
Date: 26 April 2023 (Wednesday) 15:00-17:00
Location: The workshop will take a hybrid format. Physical presence: NKE Side Building (Budapest, Ludovika tér 2, 1083), John Lukacs Lounge. Online: MS Teams. A Teams link to the workshop will be sent to registered participants by email before the event.
The importance of data exploitation has never been greater in human history than it is today. The consumption of information is now not only a human need, but also a (human-generated) machine need.
Copyright is about ensuring a delicate balance between the development of talent and inspiration, the protection of investment in creative content, and society's need for knowledge and culture. On the one hand, it encourages creation, on the other hand, it hinders data exploitation.
The aim of the workshop is to shed light on the dilemmas that lie at the frontline between data exploitation, which is essential for today's key developments, and copyright protection, which is also of huge importance for European economic interests. The workshop will discuss the European data strategy, the accessibility of research and publications, the copyright framework for data mining for AI development and of course, the legal status of machine-generated works.
The discussion will be facilitated by a representative of the department responsible for the development and implementation of the European Commission's data strategy, two expert lecturers from BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and the University of Szeged, and a member of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, and moderated by a researcher from the Institute of the Information Society (UPS-IIS).
15:00-15:10 Welcome, introductory thoughts
Péter Lábody, UPS Institute of the Information Society
15:10-15:30 The data strategy of the European Union and its implementation - from a copyright perspective
Andrea Tóth, European Commission, DG CNECT, Directorate for Data
15:30-15:50 Data repositories, open access publication fulfilment in data-intensive research
Anikó Grad-Gyenge, vice dean for science and innovation affairs at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
15:50-16:10 Development, teaching, generation - copyright issues around the phenomenon of generative AI
Gergely Csősz, head of Copyright Department, Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
16:10-16:30 Friend or foe? Copyright challenges of machine learning in generative AI
Péter Mezei, professor, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
16:30-17:00 Questions and answers