The Individual and the latest technologies - conference

Organizers:  Constitutional Court, National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Institute of the Information Society at University of Public Service.

Date: 31 May 2023.

Location: University of Public Service, Education Centre, 1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.

On 31 May 2023, the Constitutional Court, the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information and the Institute of the Information Society at University of Public Service will again organise their annual conference to discuss issues related to the impact of technological developments on individuals, society, the state and the law.

In 2020 and 2021, two "disruptive technologies", artificial intelligence and internet platforms were the focus of our conferences, and in 2022, without specifying a particular technology, we chose a key area of impact, democracy, as the focal point.

At this year's conference, we will also not narrow down the theme of the event to a specific technology, but will focus on the "human", the relationship between the human personality and the latest technologies. We want to explore how new technologies affect the social status, personality and rights of individuals.

With the rapid development of information technologies, the widespread availability of digital tools and solutions, as well as artificial intelligence, is having an increasing impact on our humanity and our personal circumstances, life and legal relations. In addition to the societal consequences discussed at previous conferences, there is also a duality for the individual: on the one hand, new solutions offer new opportunities and can bring many benefits, but on the other hand, they also bring new risks and can cause serious harm.

As in previous years, this year's conference will take a broad horizon to analyse the issue, covering both the positive and negative impacts of new technologies. On the one hand, any solution that can be classified as newer technologies - from the internet to Big Data-based applications, artificial intelligence and various digital tools - has a place among the questions to be investigated. On the other hand, the conference will take a broad view of the place of the human being in technologies, and will also address issues of human control of technologies and the inescapability of the human factor, in addition to the impact on the individual's personality, rights and means of interest assertion.

Program and registration (in Hungarian):