Regulation of platforms

The aim of the research is to explore the social trends and risks related to Internet platforms, to identify the regulatory needs related to them, as well as to formulate regulatory proposals. The starting point of the research is that platforms have appeared in many different life situations and in many different forms, therefore their examination is only possible from a multi sided perspective, in a multidisciplinary way.

The research examines four societal roles of platforms:

1. Platforms as new forums for the public. (Constitutional law)
2. Platforms as media companies. (Media law, content regulation)
3. Platforms as markets and as services. (Private law, competition law, labor law)
4. Platforms as new fields of interpersonal contact. (Data protection, fundamental rights)

Researchers participating in the project:

Research leaders: Bernát Török, Zsolt Ződi
Participating researchers: András Pünkösty, Kinga Sorbán, Attila Menyhárd, Tamás Szikora, Katinka Bojnár