Characteristics of the social impact of infocommunication services in Hungary / Central Europe - empirical research

Our research institute regularly conducts primary data surveys in order to gain a deeper understanding of the Hungarian information society. The results of these surveys will be disseminated to both professionals and the general public. The surveys are always representative in the given country by gender, age, education and type of settlement.

Our data recordings and published reports so far:

• Trust, awareness, alarm on the Internet 2019 - research in Hungary. Date of data collection: November 2019. The report can be read here:
• Trust, awareness, sense of danger on the Internet 2020 - research in Hungary. In addition to the longitudinal addition of the results of the 2019 research, we addressed in a separate block the effect of coronavirus-induced restrictions on online attitudes. The report is being prepared.
• Internet Attitudes - Our Region and the World Wide Web. International research and analysis in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Romania (data collection time: October and November 2019). The report can be read here:

Researchers participating in the project:

Research leader: Bernát Török, Árpád Rab